We all have an intuition but aren't ever taught how to use it...

Based on Petey Stevens Psychic Self guidebook, this self-study course offers a daily reading plus a 5-10 minute meditation for strength-training your intuition. 144 exercises are divided into four sections; you decide how fast you move through them. One a day? One a week? Build your intuitive powers at your own pace.
You train your body, it's time to start training your intuition. Boosting your intuition helps with focus, attitude, connection, growth, abundance, happiness, health, and more!

What's inside?

Take a sneak peak at what you get!

  • 01

    Welcome to Awakening the Intuitive Within!

    • A Welcome Message from Andy

    • How this course works!

    • Get the most of this course - and OF NOTE - about "the book"

  • 02

    Unit 1 - Your Personal Self

  • 03

    Unit 2 - Personal Energy Systems

    • Exercise 8: Grounding Cord

    • Exercise 9: Energy Channels

    • Exercise 10: Running Your Energy

    • Exercise 11: Color Play

    • Exercise 12: First Chakra

    • Exercise 13: Second Chakra

    • Exercise 14: Third Chakra

    • Exercise 15: Fourth Chakra

    • Exercise 16: Fifth Chakra

    • Exercise 17: Sixth Chakra

    • Exercise 18: Seventh Chakra

    • Exercise 19: Feet Chakras

    • Exercise 20: Hand Chakras

    • Exercise 21: Eighth Chakra

    • Exercise 22: Ninth Chakra

    • Exercise 23: Tenth Chakra

    • Exercise 24: Eleventh Chakra

    • Exercise 25: Twelfth Chakra

    • Exercise 26: The Human Aura

    • Exercise 27: The Layers of Your Aura

    • Exercise 28: Boundaries

    • Exercise 29: Twelve Levels of Consciousness

    • Exercise 30: The Genetic Key

    • Exercise 31: The Picture

    • Exercise 32: Self Restricting Energy Patterns

    • Exercise 33: Belief Systems

    • Exercise 34: Working Off Another's Pictures

    • Exercise 35: Running a Valence

    • Unit #2 Complete!

    • Personal assessment #3 - what's to come?

  • 04

    Unit 3 - Personal Realities

    • Exercise 36: Creating your own Reality

    • Exercise 37: Lies

    • Exercise 38: Releasing a Picture

    • Exercise 39: Releasing a Charged Picture

    • Exercise 40: How to Clean Yourself Out

    • Exercise 41: How to Rid Yourself of Excess Nervous Energy

    • Exercise 42: Finding Your Own Answers

    • Exercise 43: Seniority

    • Exercise 44: Own the Room

    • Exercise 45: First Hello

    • Exercise 46: First Body, Original Purpose

    • Exercise 47: Gathering Up Your Energy

    • Exercise 48: Releasing Another's Energy

    • Exercise 49: First Viewpoint

    • Exercise 50: First Unconscious

    • Exercise 51: Invalidation

    • Exercise 52: First Anger

    • Exercise 53: Criticism

    • Exercise 54: First Show of Power

    • Exercise 55: Recognition of Male or Female

    • Exercise 56: Seeking and Giving Recognition

    • Exercise 57: First I Love You

    • Exercise 58: Havingness

    • Exercise 59: Play, Fun

    • Exercise 60: Work Space, Home Space

    • Exercise 61: Mother or Father

    • Exercise 62: Survival Pictures

    • Exercise 63: Changing a Style of Survival

    • Exercise 64: Certainty

    • Exercise 65: Picture Blowing

    • Exercise 66: Emotions and Validation

    • Exercise 67: Power

    • Exercise 68: Unworthy Pictures

    • Exercise 69: Name

    • Exercise 70: Guilt

    • Exercise 71: Fear

    • Exercise 72: Inadequacy

    • Exercise 73: Constricted Communication

    • Exercise 74: Speaking for Someone Else

    • Exercise 75: Seeing

    • Exercise 76: Religion

    • Exercise 77: Healing Yourself

    • Exercise 78: Tone Clean

    • Exercise 79: To Heal Yourself with Your Original Essence Energy

    • Exercise 80: Channeling

    • Exercise 81: Faith Healing

    • Exercise 82: Unconditional Love

    • Exercise 83: Developing Your Psychic Abilities

    • Exercise 84: Psychometry

    • Exercise 85: Feeling Your Emotions

    • Exercise 86: Taking Control of Your Emotions

    • Exercise 87: Clairsentience

    • Exercise 88: Empathy

    • Exercise 89: Compassion

    • Exercise 90: Dreams

    • Exercise 91: Taking Control of Your Dream

    • Exercise 92: Telepathy

    • Exercise 93: Balancing Three Eyes

    • Exercise 94: Clairvoyance pt. 1

    • Exercise 95: Clairvoyance pt. 2

    • Exercise 96: To Improve Your Concentration

    • Exercise 97: Telekinesis

    • Exercise 98: The Perfect You

    • Exercise 99: How to Integrate Information or a Character Trait into Your Body

    • Exercise 100: Money

Watch Intro Video


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Coach Andy


Andy's passion is helping her global community awaken to their fullest potential through powerful mind/body awareness, healing, and evolution. Her courses are all deep connecting tools to manifestation, intuition development, and growth. Andy lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado with her husband Craig and has been teaching since 2003.

Andy Kennedy


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Your time is now! Let's leap into the next stratosphere together!


"But wait, there's more!"

  • Awakening the Intuitive Within

    Join now and get a thirty-minute personal coaching sessions with Andy to discuss blocks and breakthroughs at the timing of your choice throughout this course! Don't delay, private Andy sessions are being phased out!


    Don't wait, order now!
We'll see you on the other side.

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