For all AndyKennedy_CO courses.

Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this agreement, to honor the knowledge and information of your course leader, as well as the privacy and personal information of your other students.


This course was developed by Andy Kennedy (course leader) and is the intellectual property of said entity. All materials, coursework, documents, videos, and recordings are not to be shared with anyone outside of this class. If it is your desire to teach a similar class or use any of materials from this class, please take the time to make them your own. All information is a gift to the collective, so we hope that you do share this information with your friends and family, but through your own voice, in your own words, and with your own unique genius at the helm.

You agree to above paragraph by confirming this document.


At times in this course, participants will share deep and personal information, either in person during Q&A's and on our online communities (through Facebook, Thinkific, or other). Because we want you to feel safe to share and respect each other’s growth process, we want to remind you that sharing each other’s information – names, locations, family names, and private shares – is against our privacy agreement. Please do NOT do so, without that person’s consent.

You agree to above paragraph by confirming this document.


You commit to honoring the privacy of my fellow participants, and commit to respecting the intellectual property of my course leader.

You agree to above paragraph by confirming this document.

Any and all blatant disrespect or abuse of the privacy of any person in or information of this course, gives the course leader full discretion of deletion from this course and its conjunct communities, as well as admission to future courses with ISLW. We will not tolerate any kind of racist, sexism, or negative behavior. extraction from the private Facebook group. Please report to your course leader if you feel any other participants are in violation of this agreement.